


Claiming your Spiritual Surfboard

1. Seek the Kingdom 
  1. With every breath, be ever vigilant for the Kingdom of God.  Make your ongoing connection to your God your highest priority.  Without conditions, exceptions, or interruptions (as much as humanly possible) behave in ways that bring Joy and ease to yourself and others.
  2. Strive, thru prayer and meditation, to maintain a conscious contact with God ... praying ONLY for knowledge of God's will for me and the power and resources to carry that out.
  3. Remember that the "Kingdom" is for everyone.  To the degree that you support others, you are supporting yourself.  Build a habit of contributing to the Joyous living of others ... people you like and people you don't ... friends, family, associates, "enemies" 
Note that the goal is greater awareness of God in our lives.  We cherish our relationships with our favorite references, to be sure, but our highest priority is not our excellence in any "technique" or resource; rather, it is without hesitation, our continuing progress towards the outward expression of the God light within us.  We take care that enthusiasm for specific activities, or other charming philosophies does not distract us from our appointed rounds.

We use favorite questions and affirmations as we might use a mantra in our meditations ... questions like: Dear God, what is the best thought, word, deed, feeling, impression that you would suggest to us in this moment?  Or, affirmations like: thank you God for teaching us what you would have us know; thank you God for guiding us where you would have us go.

2. Love Spiritually
  1. We define Spiritual Love as " the sincere desire for the genuine well-being of the recipient." We have been tested many times about our sincerity.  Intention carries the day.
  2. Love the Lord thy God ... with all thy heart … however you understand God to be.
  3. Love thy neighbour … regardless of your superficial thoughts about them.
  4. Love thyself in equal measure … despite any opinions you might harbour about your past behaviours.
  5. Breathe
3. Move your feet
  1. Take action from this God-centered state-of-mind that you have invited.  Witness that there is nothing more charming, more rewarding, nor more empowering than action coming from Spiritual Love.
  2. Balance between activity and rest adds to Joy.
  3. It's not about being perfect.  Rather, it is about intending to do your level best.  Regret is a heavy and often unnecessary burden to bear.  I have found that it is better to give my best in all things so that, looking back, I am not regretting/wondering "Did I do everything I could?".
4. Release
  1. Try to let go of all attachment to all outcomes.  "Not my will God but Thine.  This or something better."  Know that God is Good all the time and whatever happens will be in accordance with highest and best good … in the biggest of pictures which considers not only my highest and best good but the highest and best good for everyone impacted by my behaviours.
  2. Let go of all preconceptions about your part in the Divine Plan.  Remember that others also have their journeys;and, their paths are not necessarily parallel to yours.  They may be in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  Love them enough to let them have their own experiences.
  3. Prepare for the very real possibility that your life may change.... sometimes in subtle ways some times in major ways.  Allow for the possibility that you may be "moved" in directions that mean new work, new friends, new life circumstances.  Learn to trust your gut.
  4. Emotional pain comes from attachment.  Release the attachment and you release the pain.
  5. Breathe
5. Practice  diligently

It may feel strange and perhaps even frustrating at first.
  1. Discipline yourself to choose your role models to your best advantage.  Expose yourself to people who are really good at doing things that are important to you.  Just reading about them can be a great nourishment.
  2. Choose your environment wisely.  Choose friends that will support you, your new way of thinking, and your desired lifestyle.  Choose books, television programs, radio programs etc. that support and nourish your soul.  Surround yourself with people who contribute to your Joy.  People who make you laugh, who help you when you are in need.  People who genuinely care.  they are the ones worth keeping in on-going relationships.  Everyone else is just passing through.
  3. Learn something from everything that you do.
  4. Make your new normal your natural.
  5. Breathe
6. Express gratitude

For all those circumstances in your life that are going well, express your gratitude for God's perfect guidance.  Let your gratitude show in every thought, word, deed, feeling that you express to every person, with every thing, in every place, in every condition, during every event.

For all those circumstances in your life that are not going well, express gratitude for the lesson that you can learn so that you don't have to have that kind of experience again.  If I am in pain, I am in error.

7. Take responsibility

For all those circumstances in your life which are not bringing you Joy, take responsibility:
  1. If I am in pain; then I am in error.
  2. Consider that you faltered on steps 1, 2, & 3. 
  3. Change your mind. Breathe.
  4. Repeat steps 1, 2, & 3 with renewed perspective, enthusiasm and expectation. 
  5. Feel the feelings within you change immediately as you come into closer alignment with the perfect guidance of your Essential Self.  Breathe.
  6. Express gratitude to your Higher Power for this feedback that brought you to greater awareness for what brings you Joy; leads you out of your circumstances of "dis-ease"; and, guides you back into alignment with your Higher Power's good for you.  Breathe.
  7. Continue to take fearless moral inventory and, when wrong promptly admit it to yourself, your Higher Power, and at least one other person.  Strive to make amends except when to do so would cause injury or harm to yourself or others.
  8. Breathe

8. Be Decisive

Put your mind in your heart and Love your God.
  1. Whose issue is it? … Is it my issue to resolve? … do I have any constructive input to offer? …. otherwise put the monkey where the monkey belongs.  I experienced huge release of energy when I resigned as manager of the world.
  2. Do I Love others enough to honour their own personal journeys?
  3. Identify your options … remember, deciding to do nothing is an option
  4. Explore your options ... find a quiet space and imagine how you would feel if you implemented option A, option B, etc.  Imagine how you would feel at the end of life looking back.  Evaluate your options Logically, Emotionally, and Spiritually ... what  do I think God would want me to do?
  5. Evaluate time frame …. should I act now, later, or never? Deciding Not to act, is in fact a decision.
  6. Actually make a decision … whatever option you think is best ... decide to act now, later, or never .. notice how you feel…. Reserve the right to change your mind in any moment as new awareness comes to light

I have found indecision to be a huge waste of time and emotional energy.  Make your decision.  Evaluate the feedback.  Adjust/redecide accordingly if necessary.  Remain open and flexible as you compare your results with your intentions.  
Every decision ... EVERY decision ...
is not a decision about what to do. 
Rather it is a declaration about
who you think you are, or,
who you want to become.

Repeat Steps 1 - 8 (as needed)

Life is a journey... not a destination.  Occasionally, there might be apocalyptic events which are Spiritually transformative and quite dramatic.  Often, Joyous life is about the fullness of our awareness in the moment by moment living... doing the little, Loving things in great ways.

You'll never get it done and you can't get it wrong.  What changes is your view.  Your view becomes more inspiring and Joyous!!  This new view motivates you and feeds your soul.

It has been said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.  And then progresses with another.  If we but persist, we will succeed. You learned to walk so you have proof.  Rest if you must but never quit.  Remember to be gentle with yourself.

Thank you for listening.


POSTSCRIPT:  April 30, 2022

As we recover from Covid while listening to the audiobook “Becoming” by Michelle Obama, I am exceedingly grateful for how well the process described herein has worked for me.  Particularly, I am exceedingly grateful that this process does NOT depend, in any way, upon support which may or may not be forthcoming from sources unrelated to my commitment to my Divine Self.

I like understanding that things are always evolving,
and while there are many things that could be better where I am,
it is not really a problem
because “where I am” is constantly changing to something better.
I like knowing that as I look for the best things
around me where I am,
those things become more prevalent in my experience.

It is fun to know that things are
always working out for me,
and as I watch for the evidence of that . . .
I see more evidence of that every day.