
Divine Inspiration

the LAW stated
Artistic Note
The Process
Divine Inspiration defined
Opening to Divine Inspiration


General Notes
A Course in Miracles

Useful analogy
Executive Summary
25 Attributes of First Cause
12 Powers of Man
3 of my favorite ways

the LAW stated

  • As within, so without
  • As we think, we must become
  • What we focus on grows
  • Change your mind and change your life
  • Thoughts held in mind reproduce after their own kind.
  • Your mind is the means by which you determine your own condition, because mind is the mechanism of decision.

Artistic Aside

In the diagram above, if I could, I would show one more arrow depicting the Force ( all knowing, all loving, all powerful, and everywhere present) coming straight out of the paper ( from the thought node) towards you, the reader.  It would create the path which results when we choose to follow Divine Inspiration and, if the additional dimension can be visualized, this added upward activity combines with the familiar circular activity, as shown, producing an upward spiral ( slinky like path?) that patterns our earthly journey as God's Heavenly Beings.

Within the seed of your desire is everything necessary for it to blossom to fulfillment. And Law of Attraction is the engine that does the work. Your work is just to give it a fertile growing place in order to expand.


  • Thoughts are powerful "things".  When used in harmony with Divine will, they are ALL Powerful.
  • If you want to know what thoughts are dominating your the mind the majority of the time, then take a look at your current circumstances.
  • Intent precedes and shines through your thoughts to colour your every action; and therefore, to colour your perception of reality.
Start telling a better-feeling story about the things that are important to you. Do not write your story like a factual documentary, weighing all the pros and cons of your experience, but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful, magical story of the wonder of your own life and watch what happens. It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before your eyes, but it is not by magic. It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws.

The Process

  • Thoughts define Actions
  • Actions lead to Results
  • Results spawn Attitudes/Beliefs/Paradigms and
  • Attitudes/Beliefs/Paradigms give rise to the same kinds of Thoughts
Thus, we have a graphical representation of a "vicious circle".  The only way to break the vicious circle is to open to an extraordinary influence ... a mentor, a group of people (intervention), or, most desirably, a Divine Thought.

A while back, this author read a portion of an interview with Einstein which I paraphrase here.  The interviewer asked him a question ...  If you had to choose but one notion which you would want to pass on to others, which one would you consider most important? 

Einstein said that he would want people to understand that the solution to any problem is always to be found at a level of consciousness higher than that at which the problem was encountered.

In the bible, when someone asked Jesus to summarize his teachings, he gave the "Sermon on the Mount" which consisted of two key parts/instructions ye first the kingdom of God  ( metaphysically interpreted as seeking a higher level of consciousness, seeking highest and best good for all ) and Love the Lord thy God ...and Love thy neighbour as thyself." I offer that the first part is best accepted as the Spiritual imperative/direction, and the second part is best taken as the "how to" for accomplishing the first part.  Love is the key which, to the degree that it is  practiced/applied with vigilance and sincerity, empowers the giver to access the Kingdom with unfettered Harmony/Joy.

The Upanishads say that what a person thinks is what he or she becomes.  "If the mind dwells within the supreme self in connection to the One, within the Supreme Self, one enjoys unending happiness.  When one dwells in separation, happiness is a fleeting feather." 

Some points to ponder about Divine Inspiration:

∬  Comes only when we invite God (through the Christ within) ... He will certainly answer; but, we must call Him and be open, receptive, responsive, and devoted to His response.  The onus, the responsibility to initiate and maintain the connection, is ours.

∬  Is unmanifest/incomplete without us.  God needs our hands, our mouths, our feet, and our will.  God needs us to do His work, in His (Love's) name.   We are co-creators in a symbiotic relationship with our Higher Power.  And, like the good shepherd tending His flock, God is incomplete without each and every one of us.

∬  Comes automatically as one strives to seek "highest and best" Good at all times ... as we pray unceasingly.

∬  Manifests as crucifixion (of the baser ego thought that was running interference) and resurrection (of the new thought that is more in tune with Divine Mind).  It thus supplants the "self-fulfilling prophecy" and nurtures actualization of the "Self-fulfilling Prophecy".  Note that (consistent with bible accounts) there is often a period of time required for the effects/benefits to be recognized; although, a sense of the experience can often be had immediately.

∬  Very often an iterative process "in this world but not of it".  As you practice going to God, awareness and understanding increase and you acknowledge more and more areas of your life that can be favourably impacted with levels of thought that seem ever more profound ... ever more Loving.

∬  Often imitated by the ego to deceive and distract (comes like a thief in the night).  Know that if the thought is not loving, it is not of God and will not bring Joy long-term.  Be ever vigilant.  Accept no imitations.

∬  Is our natural state merely obscured by the ego's competitive nature trying to deceive/distract our free will consistently enough to deny us our Good and to obviate our relationship with God.  We need merely to clear away the mud on the mirror of our soul to see the Truth about what we always have been.

∬  Is all-powerful because it is of God.  If your free will chooses to partner with God and openly receive/accept, there is no force powerful enough to deny you your Good.

∬  Does not depend on our belief in it.  Because it is of God, it is of Truth and Truth does not rely on our belief in it to make it so.

∬  Is not bipolar (good vs bad, high vs low etc.).  God helps us create Good/Reality and nothing but.  What is not created in concert with God is not real and will only exist as long as we (ego/free will) give it our power.  As we stop believing in these illusions (fear, poverty, death etc.) they fade to nothing in deference to reality. There is but One Reality.  Only our awareness of Truth is subject to degrees.

∬  Is a gift.  The Divine does not have to be earned.  Indeed, who could ever feel like they actually earned this level of abundance!  Fortunately, as children of God, we have automatic entitlement to our Divine Inheritance.

∬  Is for everyone   God's Love is unconditional in the sense that it is equally accessible to everyone at every point in time and space; HOWEVER,  it is conditional in the sense that we must take the initiative and make the choice (exercise our free will) to receive and accept/demonstrate the gift that God has provided for us.  We do this by sharing on a voluntary/Joyous basis.... giving is proof of having.  Everyone has this option available to them.  No matter what your past or current circumstances, once you set your intent, you are onside with the power and resources of the Master Creator.

Inviting Divine Inspiration

There are 4 activities mandatory before receiving Divine Inspiration:​

∬  Demonstrating the (sincere) Intent to partner with God by exercising  individual free will in a manner which compliments Divine Will

∬  Love unconditionally... the definition of Spiritual Love is key ... unconditional Love is the sincere desire for the genuine well-being of the recipient.  Loving someone does NOT mean that you have to like them, nor agree with them, nor do what they ask of you.  It does means that, no matter what the circumstances of the relationship, you can look at ( think about) the person(s) in question and say, with sincerity, " I wish you abundant living.  I wish you your highest and best good.  I wish you Joy, and Peace, and Prosperity in every form.  I wish for you the experience, the lifestyle I would wish for myself.  I behold the Christ in you and I encourage you to give the Christ in you priority.  In short, the Golden Rule.

...."Apostle of Love", not as a character feminine, yielding, softly benevolent, but as one who recognized the Lord Christ ever-present as the only reality of  every man everywhere. " 
P181, High Mysticism, by Emma Curtis Hopkins.

∬  Letting go of what you are not.... the perceptions/illusions that exist only because of ego ... invite freedom from all that does not serve your highest and best good.  "Except ye come as children."

∬  Open to the Truth about what you REALLY are.... all that has been created in concert with Divine Will.... for all eternity .... say YES to the Christ within.  This can be a daunting task.  Remember, this is an iterative process... take it one step, one day at a time.

Note that belief and faith are not on either list. It has been my personal experience that, in doing what Jesus has told me to do (respecting the underlying "Spirit" of the directions to the best of my abilities), no belief or faith was required.  I merely had to do as instructed and the results were forthcoming in what seemed to be similar proportions to the sincerity of my Willingness and the purity of my Intent. The Awareness of and The Knowing of (the direct experience of) the existence of God was a natural bonus of the process.  God is Truth.  And Truth does not require my belief (or that of anyone else) to make it so.  Indeed, it is my experience that even the hint/glimmer of my sincere intent to proceed as directed is sufficient.

Simplicity is best. Less is more. "Those who would be first shall be last.  And those who would be last shall be first."

Caveat:  Many of the preceding techniques may also also be applied in the context of unloving intentions.  The difference is that only Loving Intentions will bring enduring Joy/Peace to the practitioner.  Only the results of Loving Intentions will be enduring/eternal/Real.

If I am in pain, I am in error.  If I am in pain, I try to remember to check my motivation/intent and compare it to the definition of  spiritual love (found elsewhere on this page) with an open mind.

To sin is merely to miss the mark (an ancient archery term) .  If/when I sin, I may, at any time, choose to repent. 

To repent just means to change my mind.  I can repent very easily (and painlessly) by simply recognizing/accepting the unpleasant feedback (some form of fear/anger/pain), taking fresh aim by changing my mind, and then taking action with renewed awareness, understanding, sincerity, and intent. 

Life is, after all, an iterative process.... a journey, not a destination ... a process, not an event.  As I change my mind (free will), I change my experience... I change my life.

More points to ponder

∮ Note that Divine Inspiration works directly on Thought.  It precedes and is independent of the attitudes, beliefs, or paradigms we glean from experiences ... " except ye come as children "
∮  Thoughts are the only "things" over which we have total control.  I can not always choose what happens to me; but, I can always choose what/how I think about it.  And what/how I think about it has direct influence over what I do  next.  Free will is an awesome power/responsibility/opportunity.

∮  Thoughts operate on a weighted average.  Every thought has an intellectual content component and an emotional component where emotion is coloured by intent.  Thoughts that are highly charged with emotion (sincere intent) are much more powerful than other thoughts. I have found that it can be quite useful/effective to work on the components of thought separately.

∮  Divine Inspiration is directly contrary to the ego's existence and is illogical by the ego's standards because Divine Inspiration is the direct result of an act of surrender to a higher power.  An act of surrender is illogical by ego standards since the ego's single purpose is to obviate any need for us to believe in God (First Cause)  or any power higher than itself.  The notion of surrender is not even in the ego's mindset.  The ego's credo is "seeing is believing" while Divine Co-creators creating in the name of God/Love experience that believing is seeing.  That is why, I think, most "revelations" happen under duress/crisis..... when all else fails, and the Mac Truck of life is about to run us over, we cry "Oh my God" and, instantly, things take a positive turn as we release our clutching to the past and allow an elevated consciousness..

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