
Wrap Up

Why is this section labelled RESTART?  

At the depths of one of my despairs, a friend of mine reminded me that “Every day in every way, I can get better and better.”  Over the years I have amended the saying to “Every second I am getting better and better.”  I now know that with every instant, I have the option, the potential, to change my direction and begin a new life to include more Joy and more ease.  In 12 step meetings I have learned that this is called living one day at a time.  Every instant can be your restart ... you need but choose and ask for help ... set your intention to make it so.  Every second of life holds renewed opportunity.


Well, if you are reading this page
, then I thank you.  Having come this far in the website suggests to me that you have found something of value.  So I thank you for your time and consideration.

This laundry list you have considered is not presented to be exhaustive nor comprehensive.  I don’t have the skills or the words to make it comprehensive.  Exhaustive I leave to Wikipedia.

And while it is an attempt to show some of the major factors in my development, it is not intended that you see this as the only path.  My hope is that some of the entries I have noted might inspire you to go deeper into your own spiritual journey.  As that happens, your self-awareness will increase and you will learn to trust your own gut and your own inner feelings/intuition.  You will travel your own path.  A path perfectly suited to your needs, your sensitivities.  A path perfectly designed by your True Self.  You will, quite literally, be pulled to unassailable Joy... if that is your intention.

It is my expectation that this website can help propel you towards that life of Joy.  And embolden you to proceed ... riding the waves of your personal tsunamis with your very own, spiritual surfboard!

After all ..
It is what you do when you don't have to
that determines what you will be
when you can no longer help it.

Chelas might be wondering if I ever get emotionally down, frustrated, angry or sad.  The answer is a resounding yes ... much like I have in my distant past.  The difference is that now, whenever I feel the weight of the world's problems crushing me, whenever I slip and fall off of my Spiritual surfboard, I have the means to get back to mastery of my negative emotions.  More often I can recover in minutes of a negative experience.  Sometimes, even now, the downer can last longer (for example the loss of a loved one) and it may require renewing/increasing my commitment to some of my resources such as are described in this website.  But the negative emotions and the crushing problems of the world no longer govern who I am.  They no longer run my my thoughts or my behaviours to the degree they once did.

I am created by a Loving Higher Power; therefore, it follows that I am bigger than anything I might experience.   I am in this world but I am not of it.  To be sure, I am aware of the issues that plague the world we live in.  I ask myself continuously if there is any way that I can contribute to useful/sustainable solutions.  If the answer is yes then I pray to be guided in that direction.  If the answer is no, then I, as immediately as possible, choose to return to those issues to which I can contribute meaningfully … without taking on non-productive/counter-productive drama … in this world but not of this world.
God grant me
the serenity to accept the thing I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can change
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Grant me patience with the things that take time
tolerance of the struggles of others
that may be different from my own
and the willingness to get up and try again
one day at a time

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Not my will God but Thine.
This or something better.
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Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.
All things break.  And all things can be mended.
Not with time, as many say, but with intention.
So go.  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.
The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.


May you live long and prosper
Love, Peace, and Blessings


Post Script ...


In the intro, I suggested that, if you don't peruse my entire website, at least take to heart one fundamental guiding principle ... Love for the sake of Loving.

Well, you have persisted to the end of my offering and I want to share with you one more of my most precious thoughts ... whatever you do, do it to the best (in a most gentle way) of your abilities.  then, when, at the end of your movie (in which you starred, directed, wrote the script, and produced in its entirety), you will look back with a minimum of regrets.  I am almost 75 years old.  Time is moving much faster for me now than when I was forty years old.  As I look back, I take comfort in being able to say "I did the best I could with the resources I thought were available to me."I haven't always been proud of my results; but, at least, for the major issues in my life, I can say that I didn't hold back.  There are some events in my life that bring sadness when I recall them; but, I think I feel so much better knowing that I didn't hold back.  I don't need to waste as much time looking back wondering what would have happened if only I had tried harder.


Every decision... EVERY decision is not a simple decision about what to do.  Rather it is a declaration about either who you think you are or who you want to become ... Beyond this place there is a mountain peak.  I will meet you there.

We can't get it wrong.  We will never get it finished.  It is, in fact, our never-ending journey.  Relax, do you level best, and enjoy the ride.

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