

I am trying to write this page extemporaneously.  That is, I am sitting at the keyboard; encouraging my mind and body to settle; I am asking my Higher Power "What would you have me write?"  (Invite, allow.  Invite, allow.  Invite, allow.  Could it really be that simple?  Yes!)

As I sit here, some of my favorite sayings come to mind:

  1. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
  2. Not my will God but thine ... this or something better
  3. If you die before you die, then when you die, you won't have to die.
  4. Everything works some of the time. Nothing works all of the time. So keep lots of tools in your toolbox.
  5. No matter what the issue is, don’t try to justify why you don’t feel good. And don’t try to justify why you should feel differently. Don’t try to blame whatever it is you think the reason is that’s keeping you from feeling good. All of that is wasted effort. Just try to feel better right now.
  6. Which wolf are you feeding... right now?
  7. I now know that my God Self is bigger than anything that could possibly happen to me.

I have many such sayings memorized and I often repeat them as I go about my daily routines.  (My biggest problem is that I get off track because I forget to do, think, and self speak what I know works for me.)

     #1 reminds me to pay attention to my main goal, a more conscious connection to my Higher Power.  No matter what my circumstances, no matter what my problem, the solution is always the same.  If I am in pain then I am in error and any sense of discomfort is an indicator that I have strayed.  Even now, I read my own website and benefit from the reminder of whose guidance can benefit me in this moment.  It is yet another way of surrounding myself with likeminded thinkers/practitioners.

     #2 reminds me to get myself out of the way so that my Higher Power can work the miracles for me and through me for others.  We often hear about free will.  My Higher Power needs my permission, my invitation, to provide guidance.

     #3 reminds me that, for me, this life is best lived as a constant search for better meaning and connection.  It is the Easter Story of the major religions; but, for me it is not an event.  It is an episodic process that often happens many times each day.  Sometimes they are memorable flashes of awareness and most often they are not.  Each and every day, I hope to open to changes (of thoughts and habits) that pave my way to more Loving, Joyous, living.  I am constantly dieing to the old to make room for the new.

     #4 reminds me that, while my approach described herein is simple, it is not always easy and it can be painful as anyone who has experienced the healing of even a small wound can attest.  (ref. Anatomy of Pain)

     #5 reminds me to focus on what I want (to happen, to be, to witness etc.) because what I focus on most is what I experience in life.

When you want something that you believe, it feels good.
But when you have a desire that you doubt, then that desire
does not feel good because the vibrational content of your
desire and the vibrational content of your belief does not match.
Negative emotion is simply present
when you are thinking in opposition to your own desire.

     #6 reminds me to nourish my desirable thoughts.

The story goes that a Grandfather is telling his grandchildren about a battle within them between a white wolf and a dark wolf.  Hearing this the children ask "Which wolf wins the battle Grandfather?" and the answer he gives is "Whichever one you feed?" 

The decision about which thoughts I feed is entirely within my personal power.  I can't always control what happens to me; but, I can ALWAYS manage what I think about my circumstances.  And what I think has a direct impact on what happens next.  When I consciously practise feeding the white wolf, I build a habit that serves me well in the (many?) times I forget.

     #7 reminds me that each time I reaffirm my partnership with my Higher Power, I get stronger (mentally, emotionally, physically), more loving, more Joyous.  I still experience tsunamis in my life; but, now I have a spiritual surfboard and I ride out the apocalyptic event with relative ease.  Where before I would make mountains out of mole hills, now I make mountains into mole hills.  No longer am I overwhelmed as before.  I still have ups and downs; but now, the old high is my new low.  My life keeps getting better and better.  It is getting easier to believe, to practise, in real magic.

So, what has all of this got to do with the list of resources in this section of the website?  Well, here's the thing.  There have been many, many times in my journey where I was stuck and the tools in my toolkit seemed inadequate for the hurdles, the obstacles between me and my Higher Power, that seemed to be keeping me from my Good.  In such instances, when I went within and asked for loving guidance, a resource would present itself.

For example, in my 30's, I was experiencing debilitating stomach ulcers.  Doctors couldn't help.  My sister suggested Meditation.  Within 2 weeks of consistent meditation, the symptoms had eased.  After 3 months, I had no symptoms at all   That was in the fall of 1975 and they have not returned since!

Another example.  In the spring of 2000, I was in a very low low state ... financially, emotionally, physically (but not Spiritually).  I believe it was the same sister, suggested ACA, a 12 step program.  Gosh, did my life turn around in a huge hurry

May I suggest that you peruse these offerings like you are shopping for a new winter coat?  Like you were wanting something to help you manage the cold bleak times that you worry are coming?  Take them one at a time and try them on for size, for comfort, for how they help you feel.  If you like one (or more) buy into it.  If not, move on and try others until you get something that serves you.  The others will still be on the rack waiting for you if/as you grow and your needs change.

Relax.  Enjoy the ride.  Be gentle with yourself.
Be certain to move your feet. Even a small shift can generate huge benefits.

This would be a good time to begin again.

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