
Self Identity Ho’oponopono


as taught by
 Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Kahuna Lapa’au
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.

Self Identity through Ho`oponopono is about opening doors to greater understanding and deeper awareness of life and one's purpose as an individual incarnated on earth as an inhabitant of humanity.

You as a soul are precious.  Knowingly and unknowingly you impact all about you through thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

The physical is the expression of memories and inspirations taking place in the Soul  of Self Identity.  Change the state of Self Identity and the state of the physical world changes.


When I think about Ho'oponopono, I mainly think about two concepts:

As a person with free will, I am 100% responsible for what I am experiencing.  To the extent that I accept that responsibility, I am empowered to live a more Joyous, more productive, and more beneficial life (for me and for those around me).  I know that thoughts are things and have palpable power and I know that changing my thoughts changes my experience.

The second concept (which feeds off of the first) I think about and use quite a lot is a kind of 4 step formula for remediation of unproductive and counterproductive thoughts which would otherwise keep me from my good.

Some video clarification


Self Identity through Ho'oponopono is a wonderful tool for self-healing.  It supports great improvement in all areas of your life.This lovely short video (8 minutes long) describes the 4 step process nicely, I think.

  1. I am sorry.
  2. Please forgive me
  3. Thank you
  4. I love you

Here is a different (10 minute) video in more of a lecture format. In both these videos, it is important to realize the underlying notion that you are already everything we need for us to prosper ... in every sense of the word. Ho'oponopono is about removing anything in our minds which holds us back.  And as we release that which no longer serves, our corks float automatically on a sea of unbounded abundance

I have found that Ho'oponopono can be universally applied to any and all my thoughts, deeds, feelings, impressions, and circumstances.  It is quick, private, and effective.  It can be used in the moment or anytime afterwards.  Very handy.

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