



All that is real cannot be threatened
All that is unreal does not exist.
Therein lies the peace of God

If you are like me, you have a tendency to fight and resist those circumstances in your life which do not please you.  While this is normal and human, it is actually counterproductive.  God is Good.  All Good.  Nothing but Good. 

Resistance is born of fear .... fear that something is expected that (I perceive) would not be to my liking or not in my highest and best good.  Where fear is, love is not.  Where love is not, God is not... for God is Love.  Where God is not, cannot exist; therefore, fear cannot be real.

I have observed that my (emotional, mental, physical) pain generally comes from the resistance I have in any given moment.  What I resist, persists.  And as long as I am in resistance, I have blocked my good and I cannot receive my healing on that level.

In order to resist "something", I must put my attention on it.  I know that what I put my attention on grows.  So what I resist tends to magnify in my life.  Better to focus on the all-powerful Love of God at all times.  Events, conditions and circumstances that do not serve my loving nature are the result of my acting outside of my partnership with God.  They are not loving; therefore, they are not Real and exist only because I act as if they are important.  As I truly stop resisting, as I gratefully and lovingly dismiss them, I cease giving them  power and experience that they have no power of their own over me. 

When I go to a chiropractor, I notice that they observe my breathing pattern and time their adjustments on me very specifically to my breath.  When I am at the dentist, I find breathing through my fear of dentistry quite helpful for minimizing my fear and subsequent pain.

When I am (often) in resistance to something that is not of my choosing, I find breathing consciously (while talking to myself and telling myself a story that is more in line with my intent) can be very empowering for choosing a better way.  

Accept the circumstances, take a breath, tell a better story, and move through the situation on to healing.


"Would I choose to be right?  Or, would I choose to be happy?"

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