
Love is Key

Spiritual Love is the Key which enables me to access the total potential of Spiritual Law.  By Spiritual Love I mean the sincere desire for the genuine well-being of the recipient. 

Loving someone does NOT mean that I have to like them, nor agree with them, nor do what they ask of me.  It does means that, no matter what the circumstances, I look at (think about) the person in question and say, with sincerity, " I wish you abundant living.  I wish you your highest and best good.  I wish you Joy, and Peace, and Prosperity in every form.  I wish for you the experience, the lifestyle, I would wish for myself.  I behold the Christ in you and I encourage you to give the Christ in you priority.  In short, I need but practise the Golden Rule. - and exploit the Law of Mind-Action …

"Apostle of Love", not as a character feminine, yielding, softly benevolent,
but as one who recognized the Lord Christ ever-present
as the only reality of every man everywhere. "  

If I am in pain, if I am hurting in any way on any level, I know that I am in error.  If I am in pain, it is an indication that my return to Love, my return to God is required .... no matter what the problem! 

Spiritual Love can empower me to transcend the physical laws and enable me to operate in the realm of Spiritual Law.  It makes available to me the "Total Potential of Natural Law".  Spiritual Love empowers me to dissolve Karmic debt.  Spiritual Love can work miracles for me ... and through me for others.


Love is the energizing elixir of the universe,
the cause and effect of all harmonies 

It is reported that Jesus (paraphrased) said "Seek ye first the kingdom of God.  Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and love thy neighbour as thyself."  For the longest time I considered this to be two commandments telling me what to do (how to live my life).  But then I got to thinking ... what if the first part tells me what I am supposed to do; and, the second part tells me how to achieve the first part?  Bit by bit, science is catching up to Spirituality in this regard.  Science is telling us that negative emotions shut down parts of our brain ... they can watch it happen with brain scans.  It follows that positive emotions turn the brain on, restoring us to our true potential.  So, in our quest to experience the "kingdom" ie. our true potential ... that state of mind/experience where all things are possible ... equally for everyone... the sure way to access our true potential is by expressing Love ... the greatest of the positive emotions. 

To the extent that we Love without exception, without condition, without interruption ... without regard for circumstances, without regard for race, creed, colour, culture etc., then we experience a life beyond our wildest expectations.  Love for the sake of loving is key.

My rule of thumb is ... if my thoughts aren't Loving, I don't act on them; if my words aren't Loving, I don't say them; if my actions aren't Loving, I stop them and make amends; if my feelings aren't Loving, I focus on how I want to feel and ask for help; and if my impressions of circumstances aren't Loving, I take another look.  Being in a fearful state will always herald hurt and harm.  Being in a Loving state will always serve and heal me ... and those around me. 

So, what about mosquitoes?  This is a question I ponder.  What do I do about living things that threaten me?  Mosquitoes biting me; mice in my home; spiders in my windows etc.  I try hard to avoid hurting other living things .... people or other creatures.  I think the Budhists call this practice "ahemsa".  Spiders I can displace. With mosquitoes and mice that is not a practical solution.  My current approach is to try and kill them with love.  That is I consciously kill them while blessing them (with the Joyous abundance of a Loving Creator) and sending them on their way.

What about everyday issues when I am faced with choices?  This is another question which I ponder.  Frequently, I am faced with choices that seem to hurt someone unavoidably.  For instance, I cannot award my contract to repair my roof to all three roofers; so, two of the roofers will seemingly be hurt by my decision. Again, I fall back on my (Loving) intent.  It is my intention to act with Love, fairness, and honour as I interact with those around me.  Disappointment in the moment is unavoidable; but, after a short prayer about which roofer to take, I make a decision and move forward while blessing every roofer with the Joyous abundance of a Loving Creator.  My Intent is Highest and Best Good for all.  They either get what they asked for or an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson.

I give a similar blessing every time I see an accident or other distressful situation.

And what about my enemies?  This question is a little simpler for me ... simpler but not easy.  We are taught that Jesus instructed us to "turn the other cheek" which metaphysically means to respond from a higher level of Spiritual consciousness.  A Course in Miracles (ACIM)  teaches that every action is either an act of Love or a call for help.  When confronted with an antagonistic situation, I strive to practise peaceful breathing and I aspire to respond in such a way as to achieve highest and best good for all stakeholders.

If I could read the secret history of my enemies
I would become aware of so much misery and heartache
that all my hostility would dissolve into nothing. 


In short, I aspire to show compassion.

If I am any example, as you practise loving yourself, everything around you will change.  What you drink, eat, wear, think, and feel will seem more supported by the universe.  The books you read and the people with whom you associate will change in exciting, Joyous ways.  The mere act of living will seem more effortless and more gratifying.  You will learn what it is like to be "in the flow".  Terms like sympatico, synchronicity, and harmony will light up your life.

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