


"Teach only Love, for that is what you are." 

Kay and I actively practise Reiki. In the past, we have given Reiki to cancer patients, cancer survivors, and care givers through a Wellness Centre connected to a Toronto Hospital.  After moving north, we continue to practise Reiki in our home and in the local Hospice, end of life, care facility as well as the local Hospital.

Different people will have different experiences.  And the same person will likely have different experience each time they get a treatment. The positive effects that we witness are sometimes extraordinary.  There are no negative side effects and we personally know people who claim healing from lymphoma, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, migraines, etc.  Many people report huge relief from the negative side effects of chemotherapy.  Others generally experience profound rest and peace-of-mind.  We have rarely met someone who did not benefit from a Reiki treatment.

I define Reiki as Universal Love and Universal Life Energy.  It seems to bypass symptoms and directly address the root cause ... mentally, emotionally and Spiritually.  Reiki honours the vibratory need of the client and serves to remind them of their True Self.  Note that Reiki is not part of any religion.  It is not a religious practice.

Kay's Reiki Master, Denise Crundall, made her transition in 2002.  But even now, her philosophy is often quoted ... "the right response for every symptom is simply ... More Love to give.  More Love to receive."  

Some people compare Reiki to the "laying on of hands" referenced in the Bible.

As regular devotees, we think Reiki is an outstanding opportunity to share unconditional, Divine Love and to spark within our clients the re-awakening to their Divine Self. 

Upon more reflection, I think what I like most about Reiki is that it gives me an opportunity to share experiences with our Reiki clients that (based on their feedback) are very similar to what I experience in meditation.

Reiki Principles for everyday living:

  • Just for today, do not worry.
  • Just for today, do not anger.
  • Honour your parents, teachers, and elders.
  • Earn your living honestly.  (A vegetarian .... butcher? or farmer?)
  • Show gratitude for all things.

For more information, search the internet for Reiki and find a practitioner near you.  Check your local churches and hospitals for leads on Reiki practitioners.  For a greater understanding of Reiki, you might try this link.  Note that I just found this link through a Goggle search.  I suggest you browse several links before making your choices.

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