
Control is an illusion


Attempting to control is not my way. Control is, at best, a cruel illusion. Here, I make a discernment between managing and controlling.  Managing is knowing, as a partner with God, that I am bigger than anything that could happen to me ... no matter what happens, I can overcome and I flourish.  Controlling has to do with the need to make outcomes predictable ... the desire to know the outcome before I venture forth.  Nothing made with physical laws is enduring.  Even the pyramids are needing repair.

Controlling carries with it the sense that, if I just become a better bus driver, I will manifest better bus tours for myself and for those who are impacted by me.  I now accept that the object is not to become a better bus driver; rather, the object is to surrender the need to drive the bus.  I now practise letting my Higher Power take the wheel for me.  As I sincerely surrender (to my Higher Power) the need to drive my "bus", I open to a sense of Peace, Well-being, and Joy. 

My Higher Power is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and pure Love.  I actively try to accept that He can surely drive my bus better than I could ever dream possible!!

The first three steps (paraphrased) of the 12 step program are:

Step 1:  admitted our lives had become unmanageable
Step 2:  there is One who is all-powerful and all love.
Step 3:  surrender to that one who will restore us to sanity and wholeness.

Practising these steps vigilantly sets the course for endless miracles in my life.  Clearly, surrendering to God’s Will is the way that brings me the most Joy long-term.

I hasten to distinguish the difference I make between grasping for control and exercising Spiritual Discipline.  While controlling behaviour comes from fear of the future (ie. things not turning out according to hopes or needs) and perhaps a sense of inadequacy in anticipation of coming circumstances, Spiritual Discipline is born out of enthusiasm and respect for principles and processes which are time-tested and proven to yield a desired result.  Control is effectively a fear-based avoidance reaction, while Spiritual Discipline is a Love-based strategic response for achieving my Spiritual goals.  Ultimately, control is impossible while Spiritual Discipline is not only possible but is actively supported by Life Forces. 


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