

It is hard to let old beliefs go. They are familiar. We are comfortable with them and have spent years building systems and developing habits that depend on them. Like a man who has worn eyeglasses so long that he forgets he has them on, we forget that the world looks to us the way it does because we have become used to seeing it that way through a particular set of lenses. Today, however, we need new lenses.  And we need to throw the old ones away.


After all ....It is what you do when you don't have to
that determines what you will be when you can no longer help it. 

I originally published the first iteration of this website in July of 2005.  Then it sat there collecting a few hits .... remarkable since I did nothing like SEO to increase traffic. 

At the time, I was enjoying a quality of life beyond my highest expectations and wildest dreams. In 2005, I was 58 years old; recovering from depression; into my 3rd marriage; recovering from a brutal divorce; and, recovering from financial ruin; but, by this time, every morning I was waking up beside someone I adore ... someone who continues to want to wake up beside me.  I was happier, healthier, and more Joyous, than I could have wished.  Could it get any better?  Yes, every day in every way my life continues to get better and better.

In spite of all of that, or perhaps because of all of that, I felt a certain urgency to share what I had come to know as a clarification of concepts and practices that had brought me to this amazing life. I felt like I had found an "answer", a formula for approaching life that would not, could not, fail me in my quest for a Joyous, balanced existence in this world .  As long as I remained committed to the process, I had a sense of being in this world but not of it.  There is no doubt in my mind that this website documents a way of viewing life, spirituality, and religion that assures me a prosperous experience.  The process, as described, has never failed me.  I, however, have failed the process many, many times.  But the process has never failed me.  This website now serves to remind me when I stray from the way and, as I get back on track, the pain subsides.

So I felt this urgency to share this awareness ... with our daughters .. with my god son ... with sons and daughters everywhere.  At 58 yrs. of age, it was not clear to me whether I would live another 40 years or a mere 40 minutes.  I was feeling fine although still experiencing the dross of burnout.  But I wanted to do everything I could to share this lifestyle with those whom I loved, that they might also have a Joyous quality life.

My hope is that you will take but one more hour and read this offering quickly thus gaining a general sense of what I am wanting to share.  Then, if it suits, return to the sections that resonate within you.  You will know the tree by the fruit it bears.

There is nothing new here.  If I can contribute anything, it might be my unwavering emphasis on the process syntax.  Many others I experience fall short in this regard.  They seem to be of the mind that they will connect with their Higher Power when "things" quiet down and when they are not distracted.  They seem to be unaware of their personal power to manage their own thoughts.  My position is that (no matter how chaotic the circumstances) there is actually only one rule to be followed and it must be followed literally … it must be given the highest priority ... I must always keep the main thing the main thing.  


This is your major problem now.
You still make up your mind, and then decide to ask what you should do.

Imagine we are playing cards.  We can’t typically control the cards we are dealt; but clearly, the same cards can be played in different sequences with different results.  Nothing but the order needs to change before we get a different/better outcome.  The same can be said for thoughts, words, actions, and behaviours.  Change the order within even one of these groups and your outcome changes.  If you set your intent and gravitate to the Will of God as you change the order, you can rock your world in astoundingly Joyous ways.  Seek ye first the kingdom…. Invite, allow … Invite, allow … Could it be that simple?  YES!!!

Other than that, everything contained herein has been pioneered by others.  What I present in the section, Fundamentals, cannot be proven to my satisfaction; but, if I proceed “as if” it is true, then I can have direct experiences that what I am practising has value … not only for myself; but, for others.  I have simply focused on that with which I have first hand experience to be useful.  I happily leave burden of proof to others.  Relevance is determined by utility in servicing my intention.  our past beliefs are of no consequence ... as long as we proceed "as if".


I have presented the information as a laundry list ... often in point form.  Ideally, (after your first quick reading) I would hope that you stop on any point that catches you and meditate on that point until you get a strong indication from within you that it is or is not of service to you. Apart from making the writing much, much easier and the reading quicker, the other reason for bullet form is to minimize the opportunity for confusion of my meaning.  I am coming to think that there are as many religions as there are people in the world.  And the same can be said about language.  The challenge is compounded by the fact that our desired mental state defies any description we might construct… no matter what we say, it is MORE (more loving, more joyous, more powerful etc.) … so, I think using more words increases the chances of confused communication.  Fewer words increases the likelihood that my point will serve merely as a “jumping off point” for your personal mentations and Spiritual growth.  The words are not expected to promote understanding as much as, I hope, they will serve to reacquaint the reader with their personal inner guide for a direct "knowing" of the subject of my point which, in turn, will be automatically tailored to their specific needs.  My hope is that the reader might be moved to go within and say yes to their own autopilot. For me, it has been an invaluable process with incalculable benefits.

When that which is god — or that which is that which man wants to call "God" — is being understood by man, man has to translate it into the format he understands. But this Energy, this Source that man is giving the label of "God", cannot be quantified in anything that man understands. And as man attempts to do it, the distortions are enormous.


This website is a work-in-progress dedicated to providing the reader with some insight as to how all the notions included herein relate to each other so they may enable the practitioner to experience "Heaven that is amongst us". I am confident that the concepts are solid; however, I strive to improve my communication of these concepts (as well as their application) so that the reader may also share direct experience of the indwelling Christ, (that part of my Higher Power that is my birthright and is the birthright for every individual ... also called the Essential Self).  I have found it to be a gift to be received that need not be earned.

If I achieve nothing more than to cause you to doubt what you currently think you believe, then I consider my efforts to be rewarded … especially if I can impress you with the concept that the quality of your life condition is directly impacted by the quality of your thoughts. Doubt opens the door to better questions and truer answers. 

Everything that I think, say, do, and feel is coloured by my intentions.  It is the winds of my intention that will blow me to my goal as I release one thought to grasp at another.  In this context, specific thoughts are of secondary importance as long as they are supportive.  My intention is to experience Joy and to lovingly share my Joy with you.

If you decide to go no further on this website, let me leave you with this one takeaway …. Live with Love for the sake of loving…. as much as possible with no acceptable exceptions, interruptions, or conditions. Put your mind in your heart and love your God ... however you understand your God to be.  Put your mind in your heart and love your neighbour/enemy ... whatever you might think of them superficially.  Put your mind in your heart and love yourself ... whatever memories you may have of personal past performance.

Divine Love is  our natural state.  Practising Loving sincerely automatically gives you access to your Spiritual Surfboard and with it your native ability to ride the tsunamis of circumstance.  You will have direct experience that you can rise above anything that could ever happen to you.  You will experience natural empowerment to handle any situation.  You don't have to earn it but you must claim this power by yourself  ... for yourself.  Indeed, until you learn (or just sincerely attempt) to Love, you will not even know this (internally sourced) omnipotence exists. (ref. Life as a smorgasbord).  As we journey home, we will experience ever more of the sustainable empowerment that exceeds even our wildest dreams.  Practise this takeaway with sincere intent and the Universe will literally pull you to your Highest and Best Good.

God, I know you are myself.
There is no place in time or space
Where you and I are not one.
God I put my mind in my heart and love you,
And I know that you love me.
No greater love exists than this.
My heart is thine

Another major theme that I hope becomes evident is that this journey is not about striving.  Rather is about allowing.  Joy is a gift, a birthright, and it is everything we need to be.  Joy is a pre-existing quality of our Essential Self.  As I simply release that which does not belong (that which no longer serves) that it may effortlessly fall away, the real me shines.  This is a journey of no distance to a home I never left.

I am reminded that there is another theme that, I hope, becomes evident.  Keep the process simple.  No need to overthink things. Invite and allow.  Invite and allow.  Invite and allow....  Could it be that simple?  Yes!  When I get myself out of the way, my Higher Self, my Essential Self,  is there demonstrating highest and best (for me and everyone else) Good with every breath.


Not my will God; but Thine... this or something better.

If it starts to feel unnatural, stop and rest a while. 

At the bottom of every page of this website, there is a banner message telling you when/how to renovate your experience by choosing a thought that better serves you.  The problem I have repeatedly experienced is that trading one thought for another, in a lasting way, can be very tricky.  The works of Yates, Robbins, Dispenza, Desai, and others (listed in"Resources" section of the Nav Bar above) will introduce you to people with superior understanding of the complexities and vagaries of the human mind and effective techniques for promoting lasting change.  The bigger job is to decide what you want.  For me, the acid test is to imagine coming to the end of this life and wondering what accomplishments and behaviours will gratify me the most.

I'm not quite living with the Peace that passeth all understanding; but, I do see unassailable Peace on my horizon and I say "Thank You God".  (Peace, Joy, Beauty, Abundance, Love, Wisdom, etc., as I get close to one, I get them all!)

You are likely fussy about
the clothes you wear, the car you drive, and the food you eat.   I want you to be fussy about the thoughts you think.  Fussy.  Very, very fussy.  Thoughts are things. Each thought has power. 

Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next . . . and so on — it also provides the basis of your alignment with your Essential Self.  As you consistently and deliberately think and speak more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will find yourself more often in alignment with the pure, positive essence of your own Source; and under those conditions, your life will be extremely pleasing to you.  Your get to choose your thoughts.  It is a matter of choice.  Choose thoughts that help you feel better.



Throughout this website, I use the terms God, Higher Power, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Almighty Creator, Source, Christ Within, Essential Self, etc. interchangeably.  God is as you/I/we personally understand God to be.  There is but one.  We are all talking about the same presence from our unique, individual perspectives. 

Also, I have included many quotes (identified by the different colours) and I have not given credit.  When we are guided by Christ within, it does not matter who said it.  Simply sit with the quote and check whether it resonates within.  If it does, use it.  The concept should not be given more credibility simply because it has been said by someone who happens to be popular/credible in their time.  It's about tuning your gut to recognize what is true for you.

Also, at the bottom of every page (just above the footer), there is a "
Next Page" link which will automatically load the next page as the website was intended to be read.

It would be great to get your feedback.  Please send suggestions, questions, and general feedback through my contact page.

Love, Peace, and Blessings,

Richard Gurbin

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