
Dr. Masura Emoto


This is a photograph of a water crystal using techniques developed by Dr. Emoto and his team.  It has been exposed to thoughts of peace.  When you study this photo, how does it make you feel?  Note the gorgeous symmetry. 

This is another photograph by Dr. Emoto and his team.  Same water.  Same rigorous scientific protocol.  But subjected to thoughts of war instead of peace.  When you look at this photo, compared to the previous photo, how does it make you feel?  Note the unpleasant lack of symmetry and the general imbalance of design.

Dr. Masura Emoto


We are very excited about the work which Dr. Emoto and his associates continue to do as they photograph water subjected to a variety of mental influences and emotional states.  His work confirms for us that thoughts are things.  They have power and have a an identifiable impact on the water around us. 

A very large portion of our physical bodies and our world is water.  Because of Dr. Emotos's work, we are encouraged to be more discerning about the quality of the thoughts that we have towards ALL things. 

While his published work focuses on water, it seems, for us, but a short jump to consider that, if our thoughts have such a demonstrable impact on water, our thoughts can also impact other matter.  The impact of our thoughts on our world and our world experience is a principle which devoted Spiritualists have been referencing for a very long time.

One of Dr. Emoto's experiments that we have heard described (and replicated by grade school students!) is that of the 3 cups of cooked rice.  One cup was treated to primarily loving thoughts and words once a day. One cup was treated by nothing but angry, disparaging thoughts and words for the same time period with approximately the same intensity.  The third cup was ignored.  After 30 days, the three cups of rice were compared visually and it was noted that the impact of the three thought categories was visually apparent:  the loved cup was more appealing than the other two; while the ignored cup was the least appealing!  This second observation surprised us.

The experiment suggests conformation for something that might seem intuitively obvious to many people.  Given that we physical beings are water, we are dramatically impacted by the thoughts of ourselves as well as the thoughts of those in our world.  What fascinated us most was that the ignored rice fared worse than the denigrated
For more about Dr. Masaru Emoto and his work, may we suggest that you pursue this link.  Your browser will translate the Japanese site well enough so that you get the idea


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